These 7 AI Trends Are Sweeping the Cybersecurity Realm

a computer circuit board with a brain on it

Relentless digital innovation has defined the last few years. The symbiotic relationship between AI and cybersecurity has become pivotal especially when it comes to safeguarding sensitive information and digital assets. As cyber threats evolve in complexity, AI has emerged as a formidable ally. It empowers organizations with advanced tools and techniques. Helping them to stay […]

Online Security: Addressing the Dangers of Browser Extensions

a close up of a red and black keyboard

Browser extensions have become as common as mobile apps. People tend to download many and use few. There are over 176,000 browser extensions available on Google Chrome alone. These extensions offer users extra functionalities and customization options. While browser extensions enhance the browsing experience, they also pose a danger which can mean significant risks to […]

Are Your Smart Home Devices Spying On You? (Experts Say, Yes!)

flat lay photography of coral Google Home Mini on black surface beside Apple AirPods

The integration of smart home devices has become synonymous with modern living. They offer convenience, efficiency, and connectivity at our fingertips. But a recent study has raised concerns about the darker side of these smart gadgets. It suggests that our beloved smart home devices may be spying on us. It’s natural these days to invite […]

Need to Show the Tangible Value of Cybersecurity? Here’s How

a golden padlock sitting on top of a keyboard

You cannot overstate the importance of cybersecurity. Especially in an era dominated by digital advancements. Businesses and organizations are increasingly reliant on technology to drive operations. This makes them more susceptible to cyber threats. 66% of small businesses are concerned about cybersecurity risk. Forty-seven percent lack the understanding to protect themselves. This leaves them vulnerable […]

Top Data Breaches of 2023: Numbers Hit an All-Time High

Free A Man Looking at a Computer Screen with Data Stock Photo

The battle against cyber threats is an ongoing challenge. Unfortunately, 2023 has proven to be a watershed year for data breaches. Data compromises have surged to an all-time high in the U.S. This is based on data from the first 9 months of the year. Meaning that numbers will only end up higher for the […]